Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Last show of the season - and the kid is under the weather

Remy went to Judy’s on Monday to get ready for the last show of this year. Not long after he arrived Judy with worrisome news: Remy had a fever of 104.3F. He had seemed fine in the morning, ate all this food, but when Judy rode him she felt him to be not his usual self. So she took his temp and called me. Luckily the barn vet was able to come quickly, and she treated Remy with an Antibiotic and Banamine. The bloodwork revealed an infection, but the vet assured me that due to Judy’s astuteness and quick reaction the infection was nipped in the bud. Thanks, Jude!

Remy’s temp returned to normal the same evening and so far is staying normal without medication (knock on wood). He’s still not his old perky self, so I am monitoring him closely. The vet gave us the green light to go to the show “if he has no fever, eats all his food, and seems happy”. I scratched his Thursday classes, and if he seems rearing to go then we’ll do Friday and Saturday. If all goes well he will probably have to expend a lot of pent-up energy and enthusiasm by then!

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