Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Clinic with an USEF 'S' Judge - and the headset tells all

Nothing like going from not riding for over a week due to travel straight into a clinic with a ‘S’ judge (‘Senior’ = highest level of judge within the USEF).

While I was on a business trip in France Remy had his spring break at home. After not riding for over a week the clinic with Maryal Barnett (said USEF ‘S’ judge) rolled around way too soon. Not the best timing, but definitely worth a try. Finding the hosting farm in Metamora proved rather challenging, as one of us (the male driver, who else?) did not want to follow directions, and sure enough we got lost. Luckily Onstar put us back on track (after the female co-pilot had pushed the button!).

A benefit of cruising around the back roads was seeing the beautiful farms and properties in Metamora horse country. Wow – a piece of Kentucky in Michigan. We finally made it to the stunning –private- dressage facility and yes, I had some pangs of envy, especially when I checked out the indoor arena. Remy was not too thrilled about being alone in the barn (all other horses were turned out), but he settled in.

Maryal is such a kind and lovely lady, but that doesn’t prevent her from being direct and right on the money with her corrections. She honed in on my seat immediately (“tight hips, you have too much weight on your left seat bone”) and also on my nagging Remy with my legs. “Give the aid once, get a reaction, and be done with it”. Not that I hadn’t heard that before.  

Our start was a bit shaky, mainly because I had to feel myself back into the swing of things. While trying to relax I started my familiar mantra of “We can ( do this)” when the voice in my headset questioned: “what were you saying?” Oops, forgot, it’s a two way radio. Better not say the “” part out loud!

Things improved as we went on, and I got the best feeling in the right lead canter. Remy did really well in the unfamiliar arena, he didn’t spook, buck (thanks, Junior!), or seemed distracted, other than admiring himself in the mirrors. At the end of our ride Maryal commented with a smile: “Remy redeemed himself”! (From bolting out of her ring at Lamplight). Now, it seems, it’s up to me to redeem myself, get my seat and aids in order – and to remember that the headset tells all!

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