Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring: Prodding, Probing and Moving Home

The boys have had busy days. First the appointment for Coggins, Vaccinations, and in the case of Remy also dental work and sheath cleaning (uh). Saumur’s needle phobia has all but vanished, he didn’t even flinch during the blood drawing or vaccination. Amazing! Dr. DeWitt (Judy’s barn vet) has an excellent bed side -make that stall side- manner.

Remy’s dental exam revealed slightly sharp enamel points, development of hooks and high canines. Remy received his sedation and Dr. DeWitt and her assistant schlepped the equipment in. Basically a portable dental office with oversized power tools, suction device, mouth rinse, etc. Previously we had used an equine dentist that works the old-fashioned way, no power tools, just regular files etc., which I always found rather rough.

I was fascinated to watch skills and technology combined at work. Remy was relaxed and calm during the entire process. I, OTOH, break out in sweat before I even sit down in my dentist’s chair. For my next appointment:  “Forget the nitrous oxide - I’m having what Remy had!”.

Saumur’s big day came: He moved back home. Winter is officially over; not only that, but JP also gave him the “Active Retirement” speech. No objections from Saumur!

So, when I take Saumur, the dogs and you-know-who into account: It looks like I’m living in a Senior Citizen Center – wait, then at least let’s call it ‘Active Adult Retirement Community’. At least the ‘active’ and ‘adult’ parts fit me!

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