Sunday, April 6, 2014

Who is doing the work? - And what did you do with my rider?

Ah, the joys of dealing with youngsters. Never a dull moment. Remy and I are still working on a modus operandi that we both can find acceptable. Lately we have been upping the ante in our lessons; Judy: "He's a big boy now, so wear your big girl pants and chop chop" (translation: get your act in gear, expect more and move along). It seems I am always the one working harder than he is. What's wrong with that picture?

Of course, Judy thinks Remy is great for me, quote: "Remy works only as well as he is ridden". Gee, thanks, you two, that is really helpful! But of course, right she is, it forces me to be very consistent and precise ALL the time, EVERY time.

Both my horses are such complete opposites. Saumur is the energizer bunny, and an overachiever, always worrying about everything. The challenge with him is to get him the listen to half-halts and come back to me. Remy needs a certain amount of convincing that yes, he really can put a bit more effort into it, and yes, I do mean it.

After a rather 'warm' (read: sweaty, on my part) lesson yesterday the light bulb finally came on towards the end. I got annoyed with having to ask so much and finally growled "Ca suffit, just do it!". Remy smartly figured out I was serious (I switch to French when I want to make a point, wonder why? Probably all the years of trying to 'train' JP :-) ) and wouldn't you know it, he said "yes, ma'am" and strutted his stuff on the aids in beautiful self-carriage. Wish everyone would snap to attention when I growl in French! Alas, I guess I have to be happy that at least it works with Remy.

So when Remy started out today in his lah-di-dah mode; "Do you really mean it?, I don't feel like listening" I decided that's it. I put my legs on, pretended to be Judy, and off we went. We even managed good canter departs - without the begging ("would you please canter now?").

I could really feel how the little gears in Remy's head were churning "Where the heck is Birgit - and what have you done with her??" Well, buddy, Birgit put her big girl pants on as you are a big boy now. Onward and upward we go!

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