Sunday, March 30, 2014

A dose of reality - and who is asleep?

The saddle saga continues - this time with the saddle we have for sale. I got a call from a woman wanting to try it. Directions to the barn seemed easy enough, but what she neglected to mention is that there was no road sign. Blessed are cell phones! I bumped over way too many pot holes to count until I finally reached my destination. The woman and her mare turned out to be just lovely, the rest - not so much. In the indoor arena we walked right into a "training session" that made my stomach churn. All I could think was "I wish I could knock some sense into this so-called trainer"! I guess being at Judy's made me forget what goes on in other barns. Welcome to reality, babe!

Unfortunately, the saddle only fit the horse, but not the woman; so I packed up and hightailed back to the comfort of my happy -and very muddy- boys.

Remy and I had fun cantering behind Handsel, a huge Trakehner. My little rascal certainly didn't want to be left behind. Judy had been pointing out that I sometimes revert back to my 'German seat', meaning I drive too hard and also get stiff when I try to get Remy to react quicker to my aids. That makes Remy even more stuck, and it translates into "Auf Nimmer-Wiedersehen" ("won't see those again") to our canter departs, especially to the right. So, the name of the game today was lightness, and things improved.

With Saumur I decided to focus on looseness and flexibility, working mainly at the walk. We both got into an almost trance like state, just doing our stuff in utmost relaxation. A loud bang in the aisle suddenly got our attention, we sat up straight and asked each other: "You fell asleep, didn't you?" "No, I didn't, but you did, you snored!"...   It made me think of my parents in front of the TV. Ah, the joys of being an old couple!

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