Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Suddenly it hit me: Less working more riding is great!

OK, that sounds like a no-brainer, but really it has taken me that long to absorb my new work schedule. Freezing temps or not, I truly enjoyed my lesson in 15F weather today. OK, to be honest, the main reason why I didn't chicken out was that Judy rode yesterday in 6F temps. I can't be the wimpy one!

The reason why the realization hit today was Judy's remark on how much not only my riding by my overall disposition (hmm, really, it needed to get better??) has improved. What she meant was that I am so much more relaxed and happy; not having to hurry after a full day of work and a long commute to get on a horse in the cold and dark sure makes a difference. Now I spend two afternoons during the week with the boys, and of course the weekends.

Work-wise, so far it has been very manageable. Yes, the workload basically stayed the same, but with the flexibility I have now I get much more done from home outside the regular hours. So far - so good.

I guess I didn't even fully comprehend the impact the new schedule would have not only on my riding but on my overall well-being. And very important, my relaxation translates into the boys relaxation, foremost Saumur's. He being such a worry-wart sure suffered having to deal with an equally nervous and frazzled rider. But fear no more, old man!

So, no, I wasn't able to "Cash out my IRA and take the horses to Florida". As several fellow horse owners with the winter blahs did:  "It was either that or the Psych ward".

The worst Michigan winter (weather) in decades turned out to be also the best of winters for me. Now off to a long, hot soak in the bathtub with a nice glass of wine. *Almost* as good as being on the beach in Florida!

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