Sunday, March 2, 2014

"I am bored - let's play with the kids next door!"

After three days of longing and hand-walking I was looking forward to a break in the weather and thus lessons with both boys. To my surprise Darcy poked her head out of the arena to ask me "have you seen Remy's leg?". Uh, no, I just walked in... Seeing the alarm on my face Darcy right away tried to assure me that it was nothing major in terms of injury. However...

Remy had gotten bored with just having Saumur as (sometimes reluctant) playmate and so he decided to see Rio and Henry in the adjacent turnout field. Last week Remy had figured out how to open the gate, and all four of them ended up having a good time. None of us thought too much about it, but to prevent it from happening again Darcy put a chain around the gate and post so Remy couldn't open it. Well, Remy being Remy found a way around  or -more accurately- over it: He jumped the gate! Darcy was telling me when she checked on the horses she saw Saumur standing alone in his paddock, wondering where Remy went. Well, Remy had a good time playing with Rio and Henry.

Luckily the injury turned out very minor, only scraped off skin on the outside of his left hind. It made me realize again that shuttling between two homes really requires two sets of everything. I have a first aid kit at home, and one in the trailer, but just a few things a Judy's. So off to the nearest pharmacy for wound care supplies.

Here is a tip: Sterile Saline Solution in a can. It's especially great in the depth of winter when you can't hose the leg thoroughly. The saline solution cleans wounds, does not sting, is virtually noiseless when spraying. And to treat wounds I have found nothing better than "Well Horse", it's all natural, does not sting, and the wounds close in no time. I use it on all the animals, it worked wonders when Jerry the barncat came home with deep wounds from something that had him on the dinner list.

His unscheduled playtime didn't leave Remy worse for wear and on we went with our lesson. He worked well, but Judy had to remind me several times "He's a big boy now!" - meaning she has started the 2nd level work with him, and I should ask for more than baby stuff. Easier said than done, my legs were still shaking, as I was trying hard not to think what could have happened (broken limbs, severed tendons..). Let's not go down that road!

Unfortunately, it's too cold again today to ride (9F right now); and the earlier part of next week doesn't look too good either. I might have to go with Elizabeth's suggestion (she noticed Remy taking the tail flap of Saumur's blanket off and waving it at him): Tie toys and treats all over Saumur's blanket so Remy can occupy his time with 'treasure hunt'.

Just not sure how Saumur would feel about being relegated to "Treasure Chest"!

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