Wednesday, March 26, 2014

When doubt creeps in - Relax with Buck

Continuing with the good trend on Saturday I had another positive ride on Remy; and actually Saumur is doing well, too. However, I think I am coming really close to my ‘breaking point’ – or as I put it in a email to a friend in Germany “This can bring even the strongest woman down”. What do I mean: The weather, duh! I drove to the barn through almost white-out conditions in blinding snow yesterday, and hey, this morning we broke the record for coldest March 26 on record. (Who needs such a record??)

Yesterday I realized how much my nerves are really frayed when I got quite upset over an issue with hay. Many years ago I had Saumur at a winter boarding situation where the stable help didn’t like me and therefore ‘forgot’ to feed Saumur. I would come in the evening and he’d scream for food while everyone else was eating. Needless to say, we didn’t stay. This did leave me extremely sensitive to anything horse care related.

And then when I am in one of these moods I over-analyze and question everything, i.e. is this really what we want to do? Saumur got traumatized in so many ways, and yes, also in the previous approach to dressage training. So when I notice a horse with so severe rub marks from spurs that the hair is permanently gone I know this is not where I want to go. Of course, I am picking on exceptions, but still … that’s me.

Luckily when I got home I had a nice surprise: Buck was waiting for me! OK, OK, not in person, in form of the DVD set “7 Clinics”. JP and I both absolutely love watching this man work with horses, and the DVD (only ‘savored’ one last night) didn’t disappoint. My equilibrium was restored.

So, when doubt creeps in: Relax with Buck (and in my case also with JP and a good glass of wine – in no particular order J)!

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