Monday, March 3, 2014

Wow, a photo of the boys in the paper - photo shoot, anyone?

Last week Elizabeth brought me copy of the ‘The Clarkston News’. She recognized Remy and Saumur in a photo called “Winter Visit” and thought I would like to see it. Of course, I did. Thank you, Elizabeth!

                                                               Photos courtesy of Cindy Roy

I liked the photo so much that I decided to track down an electronic copy. It was a nice surprise that the editor of The Clarkston News responded quickly to my email, offering to forward it to Cindy Roy, the woman that had submitted it. I received a nice email from Cindy. She does photography as a hobby; and the quality of her pictures is really amazing. Some more email exchanges back and forth and voila – we might schedule a real photo shoot in the Spring (which at this morning’s temps of -15F seems a looong way off).

Let’s see: The humans without wearing at least three layers of clothing and the horses without long winter hair and blankets… will we be able to recognize each other??

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