Friday, March 14, 2014

Tucking the tailbone - and not just flirting with training

The extreme frost threw in another monkey wrench – this time in the shape of a broken water pipe flooding a large area of the indoor arena. It required major digging for repairs, and so currently a large part the lower part of the arena is closed off. That means more riders in a smaller space: great preparation for the crowded conditions at the shows.

Remy warmed up well, and then went right to work, focused and ready. It was the first time I rode him in over a week, due to the viral infection that still has me powered down to about ½ my normal speed. It went (surprisingly) well, I was able to keep my position in the transitions much better, “less is more”, and with Judy reminding me to “tuck my tailbone” my seat stayed where it was supposed to be.

While we were talking over dinner about riding (what else?) and the progress in both horses and riders, JP hit the nail on the head: “Judy doesn’t just flirt with training – she actually gets it done!”

Me, OTOH,… I guess I’m just a flirt at heart!

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