Sunday, March 9, 2014

The power of attitude - and yes, there definitely is a downside to longer daylight hours!

I can't believe today was already the day to jump an hour ahead. We (OK "I") am/are still freezing (albeit a bit less), but hey, we have Daylight Savings Time!

It was a somewhat mixed week for me: starting out well only to find me midweek flat on my face, puking my guts out. First I thought I had just another stomach flu, but I got so miserable that I begged the doctor (I see once a year) for an appointment. Three days without food must have made me sound miserable enough that they agreed to take me right away. Turns out I picked up an aggressive viral infection that affects among other things my inner ear, thus the extreme dizziness. Thank God for meds! But of course, riding was out of the question during that time.

While I was stewing in bed, the boys each had a pedicure. Their feet look amazing after the harsh winter with all the ice: Healthy, shiny, no chips (!), nail holes grown out. That's what good care will do. And did I mention they are barefoot? Jim, our farrier, is a true gift to his profession, and also a very "manly man", so don't tell him I say he gives pedicures!

Speaking of winter, I also realized the reason why I didn't end up "in the psych ward" (see previous blog) wasn't because "I cashed out my IRA and went to Florida". So much has been written about attitude, and surrounding oneself with positive people, and I can attest to the fact that it makes all the difference.

Judy, her staff, and her clients have been amazing soldiering through the toughest winter we can all remember. And they all kept their wonderful attitude and good spirits up, even while spending days on end in sub-zero temps caring for the horses. As my friend Glenda puts it: "Life is too short to spend it with negative people!". Right she is; with a different group of people around me at the barn it would have definitely either been Florida or the Psych Ward! (I hazard to guess the latter one...)

Today I was back to (almost) being my old self again; I rode Saumur today and yay, got two clean changes each way on the first try. All that while admittedly not being the most stable in the saddle. Nevertheless, it felt great.

Now that we can enjoy longer daylight hours the 'other' nemesis is showing up: Shedding! Amazing how quickly the boys are trying to go from 'shaggy Yak' to 'sleek athlete'. To me it seems all the hair is determined to just transfer and cling to me. I mean, why in the world do I find horsehair in my underwear??

Does anyone have a hazmat suit I can borrow?

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