Saturday, September 13, 2014

"Today is not my day - and yours doesn't look so hot either"

I once saw this printed on a T-shirt - and today it would have been a perfect occasion to wear it.

Last show at Waterloo for the year. It started out well enough, with good schooling, and Remy being 'right on' for Judy (he knows better than to mess with her). Yesterday afternoon I put my big girl pants on and rode him at the same ring where I had the accident. Honestly, it was a rather big step, but we made it, and I thought I could handle a class today.

Well, that wasn't to be. The weather changed (it's Michigan!), and the temps dropped overnight into the 40s with rain and blustering winds. When I took Remy out early this morning for his walk he flew almost higher than a kite and I had a hard time keeping both of us grounded. What is considered desirable at some breed shows and people try to accomplish with firecrackers, etc. I got without any effort on my part: Snorting, leaping, flagging the tail...  Someone forgot to tell Remy that he is not a Park Morgan!

I rather have the fancy movements when under control, so this display of 'airs above the ground' rattled me considerably. There is is no way anyone should get on at this stage, and Judy's ride time was nearing. So I managed to get Remy back to his stall, tacked him up, and had him jump through the mud in the longing arena. Surprisingly, that did the trick. "Earth to Remy" worked, and he was back! Judy (unflappable, as most of the time) said, no worries, she'd ridden much worse. Off they went to score a 67.7%. Awesome, Jude!!

I, on the other hand, decided that Remy was right early this morning: Today was not my day. I was cold, wet, muddy, miserable... and rain and wind were picking up. So I decided to scratch. Yes, admittedly, it was hard on my ego, like conceding defeat (to what, the weather?!) but heck, I didn't fancy another visit to the Chelsea Hospital. As well as I was treated there last time, I just didn't feel ready to fight for my pants again!

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