Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A new decoration for the barn - and I think my appetite is coming back

It's great seeing our friends so excited about my becoming an US citizen this year. True to form Glenda presented us with a beautiful American flag as now all eleven (!) of us are Americans.

JP installed the flag, and the boys reacted as expected. Remy and Chambord: "Cool, it flaps in the wind!", Teddy: "Hmm, I wonder if it's edible?", Saumur (eyes bugging out): "Do you see this STRANGE moving thing???"

It's been great riding almost everyday, without rush, and having fun with Remy. When the arena was so full the other day Judy reminded me (read: no whining, suck it up) that it's good preparation for the upcoming season next year. I flippantly replied "I thought you are going to ride him" - but then I came to realize I am actually getting my appetite up again.

When I'm stressed, I can hardly eat. It's gotten my better but I still remember a then-boyfriend saying during exam-time "your body is like a doghouse, a bone in every corner" - well, hence the "then-boyfriend"! But I digress... I don't eat when I am stressing over my riding either, and guess what: My appetite for food is good, and it is growing when I think of the coming competition season.

I'll keep the appetite (for food) in check, though ... no 'outgrowing' my Pikeurs!

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