Friday, December 5, 2014

"You did much better than expected - and I'm not blowing smoke up your a**!"

Well, now, if that isn’t a compliment! Really, I was very happy with that. I rather over-perform than under-deliver; and I know Judy didn’t mean it in a way that suggested she has low expectations when it comes to my riding – or that she tried to blow smoke up my a** (for those of you not familiar with the expression: It means giving a compliment when it’s not deserved. And for the trivia buffs: It literally was done by doctors in the 1800s, they blew nicotine smoke up drowning victims rectums as a means to resuscitate them).

OK, taking that picture out of my mind – back to riding! Our focus currently is on getting good walk/canter transitions, and keeping Remy balanced in the counter canter. But the key for me are really the canter departs. I got spoiled with Saumur, who goes into a canter on the slightest aid. Finally the departs got better when I moved my hips correctly. Within the canter we played with going forward and then coming back into a collected canter. It felt pretty darn awesome!

JP, always the astute observer, helpful critic, and purveyor of all things chocolate, hit the nail on the head: Remy and I are clicking because I’m more relaxed – which makes life much easier for all four of us!!

The horse is the best judge of a good rider, not the spectator. If the horse has a high opinion of the rider, he will let himself be guided, if not, he will resist (Nuno Oliveira).

Lucky for me, yesterday was a special day where the instructor, the spectator and the horse had a high opinion of the rider!

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