Friday, November 28, 2014

"You are the brains - he is the brawn"

In sticking with the non-traditional Thanksgiving I skipped Black Friday shopping in favor of... riding, of course! It's hard for me to understand how people could have fun heading out in sub-zero temperatures at 3 a.m. clad in their PJs to score some deals (on things they may or may not need). But hey, the same people would probably scratch their heads on how I could have fun freezing in a barn.

Yesterday's ride was a real boost to my morale and it seemed to Remy's, also. He was much lighter on the aids today, happily doing what I asked him to do. He definitely worked harder (willingly) than I did, earning Judy's approval "Yes, that's right: You are the brains - he is the brawn!"

That was a great affirmation because most of the time I feel like I'm the brawn - and on the brains we toss a coin!

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