Friday, November 7, 2014

I have to be strong in order to be light - Gimme those "Yes, Ma'am's!"

OK, now that I'm over my episode of wilting in the Jan clinic, Judy has put the heat on regarding Remy's responsiveness to my aids. It's been an ongoing struggle with basically me working my behind off while Remy is ho-humming along, answering with "maybe's" (as in "maybe I'll do a canter depart").

I am paranoid about nagging him with my legs (which is exactly what I've been doing). It takes a lot for me to really get after him, and not only because Remy is not above throwing in a f.. you buck when he gets a smack with the crop. But someone had to give, and ...well... The "fear of the wrath of Jude" will not allow for that someone to be me.

Yesterday it took for me to be drenched in sweat (in 45F degree weather) and Judy's voice in my ear getting decibels louder by the minute until I finally gave Remy one good smack.

Instant gratification: Remy replied immediately with "yes, Ma'am!". From there on I could be light and soft and Remy was motoring along, with the rear engine well engaged. We did a lot of up and down transitions, as well as transitions within the gaits, and wouldn't you know it, no more "maybe's"!

It's really so simple: Start asking lightly, if there is no response turn the volume up, and if there is a response be light. (Exactly like Judy's voice in my ear!)

So, hmm, I might bring the crop into the house - I could use some more of those "Yes, Ma'am's"!

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