Wednesday, November 26, 2014

My very own, original "Sauvat" - in a very special book

Unfortunately, I missed the big opening bash of the White Horse Inn as I was in Europe. I really would have liked to be there, but the timing just didn't work out. JP was enjoying himself going stag*, but he also had a mission:

Taking the book Stephanie had so diligently searched for and ultimately arranged to be sent from France to Germany to the US "Les Chevaux de Sauvat", asking Jean-Louis to sign it.

Jean-Louis not only signed it, he dedicated it "with his friendship" and a wonderful drawing:

There is a quote in the book I absolutely love "Il n'y a pas d'echec pour celui qui sait aimer." 
 "There is no failure for the one that knows how to love."

*Stag (= a male deer) - attending a social gathering without a partner.

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