Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We are finally coming together - thanks to an American--French-German Village

For some time now I have secretly and openly (to close friends only) struggled with my relationship with Remy. Entirely my issue, of course. Deep down I wanted him to be another Crissy (who I still deeply miss), a fun and easy horse. Somehow I also felt I deserved an easy ride, after all my struggles with Saumur.

Reality check: Remy is wonderful, but also young and inexperienced - and yes, he is a boy. Girls seem to grow up faster :-)! I rode Crissy as a four-year alone on long trail rides, galloping all over the place, showing her at big, noisy events without a problem. Not something I could easily repeat with Remy. The freak accident this summer didn't help, neither his 'flying higher than a kite' at Regionals. Pair that with my feeling guilty about neglecting Saumur (who, BTW, is very happy to be 'neglected' as an active retiree), and well - you get the picture.

Judy was -and is- there for us, no matter what. JP was -and is- prodding me along, not very subtle, but with unwavering support. Remy and I are figuring each other out, and so it's finally coming together.

It takes an American-French-German Village to make it happen - but voila:

Remy and I are well on our way to becoming ... an old couple!

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