Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year! - and no resting on the laurels

After a nice New Year's Eve celebration (ah, for a bottle of Moet!) I woke up to a whopping 15F, overcame my "innerer Schweinehund" (it means I conquered my weaker self), trudged to the barn to feed and turn out, and then headed for my lesson, teeth chattering in the cold.

It's been a great week with consistently good rides, and today was no difference. Yes, I can actually smile during a lesson - who would have thought?! Judy has been upping the ante, with 2nd level as the target increasing collection is now a focus. Remy needs to carry more weight on his hind end, lightening up in front "more uphill, more uphill, light with the hands, leg before hand" seem to be a constant. But man, when I get glimpses of self-carriage and collection it feels like a million bucks: Hence the smiles. Hard to please Jude commented after my lesson "Happy New Year!" - meaning it was Remy's new year's gift to me, but actually, it was her gift, too. I honestly don't know where we would be without her.

I often think back to the day I mustered up the courage to call her while staying at George's. "Umh, I have two horses, a Third Level (with some 'issues'), and a Greenie, and would like lessons". "What breeds are they?" "Morgans", "Oh, umh, OK, let's schedule a trial lesson" (voice rather doubtful, no wonder, I had called a Grand Prix trainer and the best in the business in our state). Well, the rest is history!

Even with our very limited competitions last year, we had stellar results (if I may say so) - actually, my contribution was mainly fracturing my leg therefore turning Remy into Judy's more than capable hands. I have no intention of a repeat performance in the ER, though, rather I have all intentions of making 2015 a great year!

USDF/All Breeds Awards 2014:
Morgan Dressage Association Awards of Excellence 2014:

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