Monday, January 5, 2015

Muffin moved into his palace - a sublet for the winter

Yep, winter has caught up with is. Blustering winds, ice, snow, and temps best described as “saukalt” (extremely cold).  We had to cut Remy’s home stay short in order to get him back to Judy’s before the roads became to treacherous to haul. And good thing we did. On our way home cars and trucks were sliding all over the place, and although our truck has 4-wheel drive, the trailer obviously hasn’t.

Michigan winter weather often cuts turnout time short. Who wants to be out in -20F windchill and risking breaking legs on ice?? So I have been wondering if Remy could move for the winter into an oversized stall with more room to move around. It's more expensive, but hey: Only the best for Our Muffin :-) With Benise spending quality time at Jan’s in CA this winter, Judy agreed that Remy could “sublet” her room. I felt like my kid is moving to a fancy larger dorm room!

Remy’s “welcome to the new digs” gift from me was a dose of wormer (OK, followed by apples and carrots but still not what he expected). Remy was a good boy, swallowing the stuff right out of the syringe, as were the others at home, with –of course- the exception of Chambord. This one made it very clear what he thought of the invasion of his privacy and well-being: His ‘middle hoof’ (for lack of a middle finger) clearly was pointed my way!

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