Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"He is willing to listen - if you have something to say"

Does growling count as having something to say?

I could already tell by Remy’s bossiness during the grooming session how the ride would be. Usually this happens when is able to boss his friends around during his playtime outside; he then tries the same with me. And the kid didn’t disappoint.

The only way to address this is by keeping Remy busy, and not letting him get away with blowing me off. As Judy said “He is willing to listen – if you have something to say”. Especially on days like this it is very important to have a clear message in order to keep Remy’s attention and his mind occupied. He tentatively tried to show me the middle hoof a couple of times, but luckily didn’t persist. However, it took some well placed “German growls”, in addition to a varied exercise program, to get a flawless two-way communication established.

Remy reminds me of a kid that puts the fingers in his ears “La, la, la - I can’t hear you!”. Actually, more likely, wearing earphones. I bet Remy has an oversized set of earphones on the wishlist for his next birthday! 

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