Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Monday, Monday... some nudging required

After four days of fun at home it was time for Remy to get back to school. He had the typical ‘Monday-Morning Attitude’ even though (or because) it was already Tuesday afternoon.

Whine, whine… “Do I have to?, really?, are you sure?!” I played it safe and put Remy on the longe-line first. Sure enough, Mr. Personality ignored my half-halts, voice commands, dragged his feet only to get startled and speed off. Ah, yes, almost like people at work ;-) Nevertheless, I nudged him along, and Remy overcame his little snit rather quickly, (OK, there were also bribes in the form of horse cookies involved).

Well, surprise: We actually got good (!) walk-canter transitions both leads, and a beautiful rein-back. How about that?

I can absolute relate to Remy’s “Do I have to?” attitude. For months now I had all good intentions of taking up Yoga again, but it stayed at good intentions. There were always perfectly good reasons not to go (too tired, too late, too icy,…). However, between Maryal (“your hips are too tight”) and JP (“you need to relax”) I finally - after some minor whining - went to class again.

So Remy got horse cookies with his ‘whine’ – and while I didn’t get cheese with my ‘whine’ (OK, alright, I also had wine) I’m on the path to increased flexibility and relaxation. Namaste!

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