Sunday, January 11, 2015

"I'm trying to stay warm" - "And how is that working for you?"

This currently follows the ubiquitous "How are you?". No wonder, Michigan experiences a serious deep freeze. Case in point, yesterday we had a 'balmy' high (!) of 2F (-16.6C). So riding was pretty much curtailed, even though Judy braved the cold and continued working the training horses (shorter, less demanding sessions, but still.. she's my hero).

Michelle, Linda and I attended yesterday an excellent "Test Riding Clinic" at Michigan State. Maryal gave an overview on the new dressage tests, with class room sessions in the morning, and demo riders in the afternoon. Well over a hundred people attended, and it was fun catching up with people I rarely see during the winter months. (Note to self: Try to decipher your notes and write an article for the MDA, or Nadette will come after you!)

Today: Heatwave! A high of 26F, so I was really looking forward to my ride. Ah... careful what you wish for: you might get it. In my case I was yearning for warmer temps - and my wish was granted. Hah! Just as I got on Remy the ice and snow started to come off the roof, and after a few minutes it REALLY came off in big noisy thumps. Remy naturally got startled, and with each big 'swoosh' he jumped. OK, call me a sissy, but I decided to get off. No point in getting hurt.

"10 minutes on the longe line are better than 10 weeks in plaster" - with this in mind we used the time for a good longing session, Judy pointing out that he has to work on the longe line like under saddle, with engagement. Remy prefers to canter over putting a lot of effort into the trot, so we worked on improving the trot and not allowing him to 'exit' into the canter.

I have to admit, it's hard for me to keep the right attitude, when all I really want to do is hibernate until Spring. Alas, this "ain't happening" - so luckily I have an healthy supply of my preferred "mood enhancer" (Nutella, specially imported from Italy). Please keep it coming, Schnucki II! JP and everyone else having to deal with me will be eternally grateful to you :-)

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