Saturday, August 29, 2015

R2D2 and I - against the cobwebs

On rare occasions my German genes come through, and today was such a day: I felt the unexplainable urge to vacuum the barn! Out came R2D2 (the shop vacuum that has a distinct resemblance to the Star Wars character) and together we tackled the barn. Top to bottom, everything got vacuumed: Stalls, Tack Room, even the hay storage.

I'm sure we miffed a lot of spiders in the process, there was an unbelievable amount of cobwebs that needed to go. Cobwebs are fire hazards, they burn easily, especially when close to electrical lines and outlets. One of my nightmares: a fire in the barn!

With the barn spic and span I now could/should perhaps/maybe/eventually tackle the house. Hmm, now where did it put the flyer offering "Professional Housecleaning"??