Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Quo vadis - and I wonder if Winston did dressage shows?

This what I am asking myself: Where are you going? Good question!

End of season and time to summarize and figure out what’s next. This year had quite some up and downs. We survived Regionals last weekend, Remy had a tough time the first day with two huge Friesians in a crowded and tight warm up area. That had him so rattled that he jumped into the arena before the bell rang. Second day was better and he placed in the middle of the pack at 2nd level. Judy and I were very happy with his test at the championships but alas… dressage judging. Two judges scoring the same test: 10 places (!) difference between the two of them. No need to say more.

Ja, ja, I know, I know, that’s not what counts. It’s the personal satisfaction.  But still… (insert nagging feeling here).

Perhaps I’m just tired and/or worn out, but I have to admit: I am not 'digging' it – dressage shows, that is. And when I’m tired and (thus admittedly a tiny bit) bitchy I really don’t want to hear about yet another person going on a shopping spree for the next “fabulous” horse in the $100K+ range.

“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm” – Winston Churchill.
I wonder if Winston did dressage shows??

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