Monday, September 7, 2015

What goes up comes down - where do we go from here?

I just didn't expect to come down with a rather hefty 'thump' so quickly. Everything lately had been going so well, the time at Brandt's, as well as our trailrides. This weekend's outings were beautiful, lovely trails in the woods with some climbing and rather ambitious descending involved, and huge bonus: No bugs! The boys behaved well, and we all had fun. So far, so good.

Today's Labor Day meant for us to go back to 'work', meaning resuming dressage at Judy's. As soon as I walked into Judy's indoor I noticed that nothing had changed: my breathing immediately became labored. But luckily -I thought- the outdoor footing just got finished. Even though the sun was scorching riding in the outdoor arena it was. Things started out well and I tried to ignore some tightness in my chest, telling myself things like "it can't be, we are outside, there is plenty of fresh air".

Apparently I didn't do a good enough job convincing myself: I didn't even make it 30 minutes without having to seriously grasp for air and becoming lightheaded. So, needless to say - frustration all around. It was like I didn't try hard enough.

On my side it's not so much frustration as disappointment and sadness because this arena issue is obviously not going resolve itself. I'm not willing to go the steroid/cortisone inhaler route so where do we go from here?

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