Friday, December 23, 2016

No fake jumping jacks - and noise cancelling headphones keep him grounded

Hot tea instead of champagne, canned soup instead of a gourmet dinner, Jerry in my bed instead of JP... not exactly how I had envisioned my birthday! All this was due to the mother lode of a cold I evidently had picked up. And for the record: Jerry is the very loving barn cat - he doesn't mind my hacking cough, tossing, turning and snoring at all. And no, I wasn't in the barn, Jerry's "Barn Cat" title is strictly honorific, that's how he started life.

By the time my lesson with Maryal rolled around I was still pretty blah and weak, but didn't want to miss the opportunity. Maryal has an unique way of honing in on the smallest things that make a big difference, like "you need to soften the weight on your left seat bone". Maryal of course picked up right where Remy slacks - he doesn't put enough effort into the exercises. With a twinkle in her eye she compared Remy's lateral work to her doing jumping jacks in school: "I stayed in the back and waved my arms so I didn't have to put the effort in". OK, that drives the point home!

Regarding the changes Maryal noticed that I'm blocking Remy, so I need to go more with him, but without leaning forward (note to self: Duh!). "Give more in the direction you are going". It was a very good learning experience, as always, and I was super happy when Maryal said that Remy is one of the most balanced dressage horses she has seen - that coming from a 3* judge!

While I greatly enjoy the softening of the deep freeze there is a price to pay: Snow and ice crashing off the roof, leading to interesting "airs above the ground". But I was prepared: On came Remy's 'Noise Cancelling Headphones*' - and he stayed grounded.

*Neoprene lined ear bonnet to dampen noise at awards ceremonies, etc.