Saturday, December 3, 2016

Busy times - a new family member and equipment woes

My trip to Germany was wonderful, it was so good to catch up with family and friends. Also, of course, going to the Stuttgart German Masters Horseshow was special treat. Ingrid and I went to the opening evening, which always features a super show. 8,000 people going wild is something I don't get to experience often. The show was sold out for all five days, but we were lucky enough to score two tickets for Saturday's four-in-hand driving and Dressage GP and Freestyle. I always enjoy watching the warm up almost more than the actual performance, and it was really interesting to see the world's best riders preparing their horses.

Back home Jen from the Vizsla rescue brought Ziggy for a "Meet and Greet". We were really concerned how our old girl Jaas would react, but they hit it off right away. Ziggy is four years old, was mainly kept in a garage/crate, and then the husband told his wife she had five days to get rid of the dog. I don't understand how someone could be so cruel - and BTW, I would have gotten rid of the husband!

On the horse side, trouble in paradise - concerning the Saddle. So finally my new Schleese saddle came, after three months (!). I tried it and immediately didn't like it at all. It was supposed to be the same seat as my current Triumph but with a relief wedge in the panels to better fit Remy. Well, to me it felt like sitting on bricks. No kidding. My poor -sharp- seat bones had no cushion whatsoever. So Luanne shipped it back to the saddle maker in Canada, and now the waiting game is on again.

Riding didn't go too swell either, the warmer weather made the arena footing unbearable for me, I was gasping for air so hard that I got dizzy and had to get off. This obviously is not a good situation, but in Michigan the choices are so limited regarding training that I don't have any options - other than deciding to either switch to a jumping barn or stick to trail riding.

Add to all that stress at work and a mean stomach flu and you get the picture.

On the bright side: Ziggy is a fabulous dog, super friendly, happy and well behaved. He also already responds to commands in French. Better than his (native French) owner, I might add...

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