Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Enjoying the glory days of fall - and "this horse does not have to do late changes"

The weather over the last days has been fabulous, sunshine with temperatures in the 50s. We made good use of it and hit the trails of Kensington. We are so super fortunate to be able to have this wonderful park with the riding trails in our backyard. "JP Wayne" got into trouble when he held on to branch and let it snap - smack into Remy's and my faces. Saying "watch out for the branch" in the last moment does not count, buddy. Remy was startled and jumped to the side, right into a bunch of brambles, but he didn't panic, so all was well (except for the above mentioned JP Wayne getting into trouble).

Now Remy is back to school at Judy's. I was able to have my lesson outside, exchanging the face mask for sunglasses. Remy started a bit grouchy, but lots of serpentines helped making him more supple and better listening to my leg. We got very good collected canter, and practiced the changes from the half-pass. Initially, Judy was not happy and admonished me: "This horse does NOT have to do late changes!" Meaning Remy does them so well, if they are late then it's entirely my fault. Yes, ma'am! Judy went on to say that Remy will be my schoolmaster for changes. Wow! Good thing one of us knows what he/she is doing - and after all: Remy is not blond.

So, off I go again tonight, Amsterdam and then onto Stuttgart. I'm traveling like a pack mule: One huge bag is filled to the brim with "Moose Munch". (For those not familiar with it: It's flavored coffee and flavored chocolate covered pop corn, highly addictive, judging by the consumption of some of my friends and family). If Customs is checking my stuff they will be wondering if there is a Moose to be fed in Germany--

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