Friday, November 4, 2016

Grooming gets me into my 'Zen-zone' - too bad it's sometimes hard to come by

OK, I feel like my truck today: It was low when I left home, and -guzzler that it is-  went from low to empty in no time. I can relate. Although the truck's woes are easier fixed than mine: All it needed was a gas station.

I was pretty exhausted and 'entnerved' (exasperated) from work by the time I arrived at the barn. Then I got growled at by the professional grooms (some people hire grooms to get their horses ready for lessons) because I was in the way. Give me a break! Stupid me I decided to try a new bit Carolyn loaned me, that cost me more time as I had to re-assembly my bridle. I loathe running late.

Make a long story short, I didn't ride well, Remy was behind the leg and grouchy, and when I was tired of pushing him along and thus gave him a sharper reminder to get with the program his response was showing me the 'middle hoof' (he bucked and spun). Ugh. The bit didn't do anything for us either. We finished well, but definitely not the greatest prep for two days with Jan.

Luckily everyone had left by the time we finished so Remy and I had quiet -grooming- time. That put both of us in our respective 'Zen-zones', and life was good again.

Too bad I can't just say in the middle of a stressful day: "Hang on, I need to groom my horse, let's continue talking afterwards."

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