Thursday, December 8, 2016

No "Blahs" after a long weekend - and an icon speaks to me

Due to my stomach flu Remy enjoyed a three day weekend. He surprised me by not displaying any of the usual coming-back-from-a-long-weekend-blahs. I was lucky that the temps dropped enough to make breathing much easier, and Remy did his part by coming to work ready to rock and roll.

Our transitions were much better, and we were having fun with the canter half-passes (half-pass to shoulder-in and back). And, yay, we nailed a change each way and called it a day.

Brenda had invited me today to "High Tea" at St. Sabbas, the Russian-Orthodox Monastery in Harper Woods. We had a lovely time and stopped by the little gift shop afterwards. A small icon caught my eye, it was a saint on a horse. I am not into religious art at all, but this icon really spoke to me. The monk manning the shop told me it was St. Tryphon. I meant to ask what he was known for but didn't want to seem too ignorant. I bought the icon and googled the saint at home.

Turns out St. Tryphon was a 3rd century saint that acquired fame as healer, especially of animals. No wonder the icon spoke to me!

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