Speaking of competitors and thinking about the past "no-show" season (meaning we didn't hit the show circuit) I don't have regrets but I do sometimes have pangs of feeling a bit left out. I guess that's what happens when you train at a high-performance barn, and your lovely equine partner is not a traditional dressage horse. It's even more difficult if your 'non-traditional' horse suffers from claustrophobia at horse shows. Those feelings never last long, though, because I am very lucky to have a trainer/coach that believes in us (thanks, Jude!), a husband that gets me out of the -usually short-lived- funk by kicking my behind (merci, JP!), all the other 'non-traditional' experiences we are lucky enough to have (thanks, Brandt!).
This quote from George Morris sums it up:
"People, this is a horse sport. What's interesting is the horse. Not the ribbons, not the accessories, not the socializing. What's important are the horses and how best to manage them."
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