The beautiful fall weather seems to be leaving us - storms, rain, cold weather are here. Yesterday the high winds were knocking down trees and rattling the arena quite seriously. Not my kind of riding weather - it spells "spook central", and it's not even Halloween yet.
Remy got to wear his 'headset' (sound protective fly mask) and I shoved Judy's voice in my ears (my headset) and off we went. We kept the work easy, as experience has told us that the more demanding the work the more Remy is looking for excuses to spook. This way we didn't give him any additional reason for his beloved spins and scoots. Remy didn't even bat an eye or ear, even when it sounded like a tree would come through the walls.
Today I was rather rattled myself by the time I made it to the barn. On the way a truck veered over the median and in order to get out of the way I pulled my GTI to the shoulder. In the process I managed to damage the entire left side of the car on the guard rail. Merde!
At least the wind didn't add more rattling and we had a very good lesson. Judy reminded me several times that I have to "open the front door", especially in the canter, so Remy's energy can come up and he doesn't feel trapped. The key is to not let him run through "the door", though: Up in front with energy from behind. He needs to seek the contact with the bit, not me pulling him onto it.
We had an amazing canter half-pass that made me laugh with glee - and then I stopped to give Remy a cookie. Uh, uh, the voice in my ear wasn't pleased: "That's what you guys always do: Something is good and then you quit!". Yes, Ma'am, you are right! I do have an excuse, though: In German we say "Man soll aufhoeren, wenn es am schoensten ist". (You should leave on a high note). Remy says: "Yes, let's quit and eat cookies every time we do something well!". Judy says: "You need to up the ante and not quit at the first good movement!". Ah, who to please, who to please??
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