Monday, September 10, 2018

"Yes, his body needs to warm up, but his brain should be there already"

It was a big boy bridle day - and Remy was doing his 'La-di-dah' warmup. It was like "how little can I do and get away with it??". With the double bridle I am over-cautious and basically ride him like a green horse. Roz reminded me that yes, while Remy needs to go correctly through his physical warm up exercises I nevertheless have to expect his brain to be with me. What it means is that even in the easy warm up exercises Remy has to listen and respond promptly to my aids and not say "let me think if I want to do a leg yield now".

We sorted it out but I was not happy that Remy needed some serious reminders that contemplating to do something is NOT enough. Yep, there are days like this.

OTOH, I do understand. Don't ask my brain to do anything in the morning before I had at least three cups of German coffee. Preferably don't talk to me either. Good thing Remy doesn't know this (or did JP tell him??) - otherwise he'd ask to have coffee added to his room (stall) service order. Well, Remy, if it's any consolation, I don't get room service either...

I decided to make good use of my morning 'caffeine high' (produced by yours truly) and tackle setting up my website. Obviously, being neither tech savvy nor a teenager I dreaded this and had initially planned to hire someone. Can't deny your genes: My "Sparsamer Schwabe" (people from the Swabian region in Germany have a reputation for being extremely frugal) kicked in and I decided to do it myself. After some trial and error, quite a bit of swearing and sweating I am happy to report that is alive and kicking!

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