Thursday, October 18, 2018

Trailblazers and Body Guards - and Continuing Education for both of us

Wild turkeys are thriving in our neighborhood, there are large groups traversing our pastures and hogging the riding trails of Kensington. As there is no hunting in Kensington (luckily!) the wildlife is quite relaxed. It seems the deer love to wait until we are close, then they flash their white tails for effect (and to startle the horses) before taking off.

The turkeys, however, are in no hurry whatsoever. There is a flock that will stand right in the middle of the road forcing cars to stop, seemingly demanding 'toll' in the form of food. On the trails Chambord is in his element as trailblazer and turkey chaser, clearing the path for all of us. Remy and I are very happy have Chambord and JP as our body guards.

Chambord and JP: Our bodyguards

This week is continuous education week: I am off to CT for Masterson Coaching and to learn cranial-sacral work for horses, and Remy is at school with Roz.

Good thing Chambord and JP are very happy and self-reliant (Chambord says: "Dressage?? Puh-leeze! -- but I could use another massage!"): And after all, somebody has to do the work at home!

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