Tuesday, October 23, 2018

When your husband watches your coach ride your horse - while you spend time with another coach

Back from a wonderful trip to NE. I was a bit worried as the temps had dropped into the freezing zone and I remembered that the lovely B&B Bay Mountain Farm was build in 1700. I read it was a stagecoach stop, and George Washington supposedly stayed there. But never mind old George, more importantly, how about heat?? Didn't they use horsehair for insulation at the time?? Luckily Cindy had thoughtfully provided an extra comforter and the wood burning stoves did a good job.

 My Masterson Method coaching session was both educational and inspirational, and in addition I got to spend time with wonderful people: Doris and Ron Bouchard. I mentioned Doris before as she kept me on the straight and narrow in the Equine Sports Massage program, and now she got to do the same for Masterson (Doris is a certified coach/instructor for both). Ron kindly introduced me to Craniosacral and myofascial bodywork, which he is specializing in.

I think it was a bit scary (just kidding) for her husband Ron having two German women in the house with some eerily similar ways. So, both Doris and I are married to French guys, both our dogs are named Ziggy, we both love Aldi coffee, yoghurt and salad for breakfast and lunch (respectively) and when we went to dinner we ordered the same food! Speaking of dinner and food: Doris and Ron took me to this amazing place right on the Atlantic coast, MatuNuck Oyster Bar. Wow, baby, talk about Fresh Lobster!

On the home front Remy was kept on the straight and narrow by Roz. JP watched one of their sessions and as soon as I got out of the airport reported excitedly that Remy looked "like an Olympic caliber horse" -- and then proceeded to tell me all the things I could do/should do better... Merci, Polo - and Roz, I guess. I told her as much and she laughingly replied "job security". Yep, that it is, she is the professional, I am telling my grown up self that, but hmmm...it stings a tiny bit that Remy looks so fabulous when she rides him and I have to struggle so he doesn't blow me off. Teenagers!

I am darn lucky to have such great coaches, and yes, Remy and  JP -even though sometimes it pains me to admit it- an awesome husband and equine partner (in no particular order!)

Coming home I was greeted by happy dogs and horses (Saumur, Teddy and Chambord), got snubbed by Remy ("how could you go away??") and the glorious view of our farm sign surrounded by 'flames'.

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