Bumpy return from CT: What started as a cold morphed into a severe cough, sinus infection and strep throat. I did the almost unthinkable (for me) I actually saw a doctor and even took the antibiotics. And then I slept, and slept some more. Still got some really good rides in.
I told Roz today not to think I'm stupid, because I was riding and actually giggling (me!) Remy felt so good. It's a whole new level of connection and thoroughness, I never thought possible. And to top it off, I'm taking "No Stirrup November" to heart. Not sure who started this, but it's become a tradition especially in the eventing and jumping world, riding sans stirrups in November in order to get "Thighs of Steel and a Bum That Sticks". Hmm??
OK, I admit, I cross my stirrups only after Remy is warmed up, soft and supple. No use for me to have a dead grip with my legs (thighs of steel be damned) and make him uncomfortable. Roz had some helpful images, like thinking of turning my shin bones towards Remy's belly, and using my knee lightly on the saddle for half-passes. Most importantly, we trot and canter without stirrups and it feels good. And I am hoping for a bonus in the way of "Thighs of Steel and a Bum That Sticks"!
So, if I had a bucket list this would have been on it: Winter Training with Roz in Florida. The check for Remy's stall has left the building and the check for my room is to follow - after all, Remy's accommodations are more important than mine. Too bad we can't share, the expenses are not for the faint of heart (with 'normal' budgets).
Here it is: Remy and I will be spending two months in Welly-Land (Wellington), home of the Winter Equestrian Festival, courtesy of JP. Yep, it's my birthday and Christmas present (probably for the next 10 years or so). Not only that, he'll stay home to take care of the other eight critters. What can I say?? Even though I never wanted to play princess - I still kissed the right one! *smile*
And no, JP can't be cloned, he is not for sale, and his brother is happily married!