Sunday, November 11, 2018

Almost in our backyard... could it really be that easy??

With the winter weather setting in (and no, I don't want to hear any more German weather info about sitting outside in T-Shirts!) our outdoor arena is a Sumpf (swamp) and the blustering winds are not inviting for relaxed trail rides. Finding a -riding- roof over our heads had become a major headache.

Right now Remy and I are trailering two or three times a week to our lessons with Roz, but soon Roz will be in sunny Florida. We could still use the indoor arena, but I do not fancy trailering in snow and ice. Boarding Chambord and Remy there would not work due to the restricted turnout; especially Chambord is not one that takes kindly to being cooped up.

Enter Crystalyn, a fellow rider we met at a get together and wine tasting at Hoffman Farms. She recommended a social membership at Berwyck, an equestrian community less than two miles down the road from us. Hmm, would that work? Well, a meeting with the barn manager and a tour of the facility got us excited: For a modest annual membership fee the four of us can use the 72x200 arena anytime. The arena footing just got redone, and oh, do I dare mention it?? The arena is heated to 40F!
It's a bit ironic, after all the contemplating of options and going back on forth on what to do, what to do? the solution was literally in front of us -- Crystalyn just had to put our noses to it.

Once again: Equestrians and wine - what a beautiful combination!

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