Sunday, November 25, 2018

"You either train or un-train your horse" - and I did not nip it in the bud quick enough

Friday we took both boys to Jan's indoor arena, killing two birds with one stone: Riding and then doing bodywork on Roz' horse.

Well, whoever said "you either train or un-train your horse" was right! I had ridden Remy a bit defensively at Berwyck, as it was a new environment for us, with different sights, sounds and horses. This backfired right away: Once at Jan's Remy sucked back, diddled around, looked for all kinds of excuses to stop "I need to go to the bathroom NOW" and then "well, perhaps I don't". This guy is just too smart for his own good. We had to have a discussion about expectations and accepted behavior. This could have been avoided had I been more diligent and consistent.

Lesson learned. Another thing they say when it comes to horses that is sooo true: You never stop learning! And there, I am blond, and still no excuses...

All that space - and those two Besties prefer to hang out close together

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