Monday, December 3, 2018

Our routine is getting better - and an evening off the farm

The boys and we are starting to settle into a morning routine trailering to Berwyck. Even though it's only 1.8 miles, it still means hooking up the trailer, loading all the stuff, getting the boys 'booted up' (nope, not like the start button on your laptop, in our case it means putting protective boots on). Luckily they load themselves on the trailer, no muss no fuss - just make sure there is hay. The problem is rather getting them out again, and with the short trip they don't feel like leaving the hay bags behind.

It is so nice having the large arena to work in, and did I mention the temperature is around 40F?? Mornings are ideal, as it is quiet and we can not only focus on the work but in addition have fun with some games. Remy is getting really good not only at his changes, but also in his groundwork at liberty. For example he backs up on voice command, follows my every move in walk and trot, yields his hindquarter just by me moving closer. Today we borrowed a large horse ball, and while Chambord had fun moving it around Remy was bored with it. "Come on, really, that's all you've got??" he seemed to say.

Last Saturday we ventured "into town" (Detroit). As it's a 40 mile drive one way we don't do it that often, but a MUST is the once a year performance of "Too Hot to Handel", the jazz gospel version of Handel's Messiah at the Detroit Opera House. It's an incredible atmosphere, super musicians, and of course the Rackham choir. 

And yes, I admit I do have a bit of a (totally innocent and strictly artistic!) crush on the tenor Rod Dixon ( It was a great evening off the farm, even though the drive home was a bit marred by bad weather, lots of police activity, and a guy that steadfastly ignores the Navi - nevertheless we got home in one piece. Hallelujah!

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