Friday, December 14, 2018

"With a little help from your friends" - in different areas

I have been getting nervous about the Florida trip, because I hadn't heard back from the transportation company. Of course, I know they are extremely busy right now, as the annual exodus of Michiganders and their horses is in full swing. It so happens that Glenda is friends with the Jan, the owner of the horse transportation company, and she is also getting ready to say "Auf Wiedersehen" to Northern Michigan. So Glenda to the rescue, I had barely told her about my worries when the phone rang and Jan called me.

Big sigh of relief: Remy is on the schedule for the end of January. We don't have an exact date yet, but he is booked on the bus. Not only that, but he is booked to travel in style. I had planned on shipping him in  a stall and 1/2, which would mean a bit more space than in a normal spot but being tied for the entire 1300 miles. The truck drives right through, there are stops of course, but the horses are not unloaded. After diligent research I decided to reserve a box stall for him. More expensive, of course, but much better for his well-being (and mine!). Importantly he will not be tied and can therefore lower his head which means less risk for respiratory problems.

So I've been assembling the to-do list. Remy will have to be loaded at the cul-de-sac road because the truck doesn't fit in the driveway. JP has to take the hay, mammoth rolling tack box, and horse down the road to meet the truck. I will have left by then so I can be there when Remy gets to White Fences. Remy sure does have "people".

Back to the "Little help from your friends": Stephanie, my BFF in Germany, outdid herself again this year with my Adventskalender.Every year she sends a lovingly selected and wrapped gift for every day of Advent (December 1st through the 24th).

Yesterday's thoughtful gift made me laugh out loud and I sure hope it won't be necessary:

Friends: Always looking out for one another!

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