Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Saumur in the bathtub - and I got rid of some bad habits just to develop new ones

Horse and Sense is growing by leaps and bounds, and I am happy that it is mostly word of mouth. Yesterday I had three new clients in addition to existing ones. Yay - and really, I love what I do! However, when I got to meet my first new client I had to swallow a bit: 18 hands and probably 1300 pounds of pure young muscle. While he was overall a good boy, his bodywork session made me want one for myself.

After four horses I got home cold, hungry, dirty and tired. It also happened to be my birthday. Never despair: JP, Stephanie, and bathtub to the rescue! JP had dinner ready, my BFF Stephanie in Germany had shipped a very special gift to me: Saumur! No, not the hairy one residing in our barn*. This one is bubbly, and perfect for enjoying in the bathtub:

The four-legged Saumur would take exception to sharing a bathtub with me, I'm sure.
Today we made the trip to Metamora to ride with Maryal, first time this year. Maryal's eagle eyes haven't changed, I swear the woman has radar vision. She noted right away that my position is too far forward, with not enough weight in my seat bones at the walk. But then in the canter I overcompensate and push my seat bones down too long therefore restricting Remy's back. On the bright side: I got rid of the nagging with my legs habit and the tendency to override him - only to now being too passive and not using enough leg aids for proper collection.

Oh, maaan - or better oh, womaaaan!!

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