Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sometimes a strategic retreat is called for - being in one piece has its merits

The landscape today looked like someone had sprinkled powdered sugar, we have a light dusting of snow and it's not (yet!) too cold. JP and I decided to go on a trail ride, but once we hit the trails both Chambord and Remy immediately went on high alert. The ground was very 'squishy' and every step sounded like we might get sucked in. I am sure the boys thought that was a very valid threat. 

Remy was very tense and I saw Chambord in front of us humping his back up - the first sign of a buck. So I made the executive decision that we needed to get off and walk the guys. JP grumbled and wasn't initially inclined to follow my lead (so much for 'executive decision'). But once Chambord upped his antics JP agreed that there was nothing wrong with being prudent.

Sure enough, even while being led the boys spooked (which is especially unusual for Remy, he's the king of hand-walking). We diligently worked on staying out of the way of their hooves and decided a strategic retreat towards home was called for.

Once we were back on solid ground, aka our less squishy dirt road, the boys relaxed and the four of us made it home safe and sound. Yes, somebody could say we should just have ridden it out. But to what point?  Getting thrown into the country side, having frantic horses?

Note to some of the "fearless leaders": There is no shame in a strategic retreat in order to save the troops (take this, Napoleon!). Being in one piece has it's merits: We all were able to enjoy an excellent dinner, with a lovely bottle of wine added for the humans. 

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