Friday, November 8, 2019

Endspurt - rushing in almost all areas, except for one

Ah, here I go again, rushing to get everything squared away before leaving for Germany on Sunday. I've been contemplating applying for the Morgan Dressage Scholarship, as it would be really helping with training costs this winter. Of course, I need to submit it tomorrow (!) and I lack a) show record, b) good photos, c) good video clips. So not sure how I could pull this off.
At the 11th hour we are trying to get some video clips, and Chapin and JP have volunteered, but the indoor is dark, and somehow I would need to "cut and paste" which I don't know how to do. And I don't have any good -clear- photos either. One more try today, just as temps are in the 20s...

On the travel side I might have to fly without clothes - as I'm 'paying' Stephanie for the apartment in "Moose Munch Currency" I have about 6 kg of Moose Munch stuff assembled. Michael, my brother,  had bought a bunch of vintage vinyl records in the US and Canada and they are now to be hand-carried to Germany by yours truly.  Add to that some other small gifts and the suitcase is at the allowed weight limit.

In addition, there is a laundry list of other things to do, and I have client appointments this afternoon where the travel time alone is three hours. Never a dull moment.

While I can sprint like I'm on a perpetual 100m run, one area I don't rush is with the horses:

"As time goes on, all the little things will fall into line. We should be adjusting to fit the horse. Fix it up and let it work. You can't make it happen, and you can't put your time limit on it. You can just set it up to enable him to learn. Sometimes the slower you go, the faster your learn." - Ray Hunt

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