Friday, November 1, 2019

Our Halloween: No tricks, only treats - and that would be a great costume

Remy decided to skip the tricks and give me treats on Halloween - and I didn't even have to wear a costume! It was one of the magic rides (OK, sounds corny but bear with me) when things fall into place, it's effortless, and you can feel the self-carriage, and collection. We even had half-steps. All this in his snaffle. The prep had a lot to do with it: After he had warmed up on the longe line, Roz suggested to use side reins for a few minutes, to give Remy the feel of what we were after. It did the.. dare I say it?..trick.

I was so excited I texted my friend Andra about it. Only a -dressage- horseperson understands the high one gets when you have these elusive moments of connection with your horse and you feel almost like a Centauress. BTW, that would be a great costume!

Centauress, painting by John La Farge, Brooklyn Museum

Remy is not a dressage prodigy - and neither am I. So we have to work for it, and Remy does make sure that I work for it, preferably harder than he does!

The clock is ticking regarding my lessons with Roz, only one more week left before I head to Germany. By the time I come home we have two lesson days left and then Roz is heading South. Remy and I will be joining JP and Chambord in their Lisa-lessons; between the four of us one should be able to remember her courses :-)

Follow up to the previous blog: View this morning - 
A view only Paulette (in Florida) could love!

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