Wednesday, November 27, 2019

"Storm day" - and it looks like 'Plan A modified' might work

Not a snow day (yet), but today is definitely a "storm day". Winds are gusting at about 40 mph, and I am just happy that we still have electricity. In our neck of the woods it's very likely that a tree falls on a power line, and whoosh, no more power. The boys are having a "storm day" (day off school). We had a lesson with Lisa scheduled, but in winds like this Chambord is guaranteed to perform "airs above the ground". No use risking life and limb, it's Chambord's quirk, we now it and so we adjust to it. He's much better outdoors, but no way are we going on the trails and risk having a tree fall on us.

So, for me it's paperwork day, catching up with client correspondence and session summaries. Also designed and ordered our Christmas cards. Yes, it would be easier and cheaper to a) not send anything, b) do it electronically, or c) buy off the shelf cards. I have fun designing them, and our friends and families are happy to receive them. When I visited friends of my parents in Germany last week I saw they had our last year's Christmas card still displayed. Made me happy.

Regarding the winter training plans JP and I went back and forth discussing the best option. Michael and Remy (my nephew) offered to handle Mutti's move alone, but Michael has a full-time job, and Remy is a busy university student with a job, so it would be unfair to leave it all to them. And quite frankly, while two are working the third one has to keep Mutti from jumping off a cliff.

So, JP suggested we go with 'Plan A modified': Remy (the four-legged one) and I travel to FL, and then I fly from Ft. Lauderdale or Miami to Stuttgart and stay for about a week clearing out the house and buying new furniture for the apartment. Roz said she'd be delighted to work Remy, and I can arrange for his care during my absence. I was joking with Michael that all I have to do now is robbing a bank -- but being a law abiding citizen I'll resort to cleaning out JPs retirement account instead ;-)

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