Tuesday, December 10, 2019

No rider required - and 'with a little help from your friend'

Remy and I joined JP and Chambord in their lesson with Lisa. Or should I say "Remy joined...". Before mounting in the indoor I took my jacket off and fumbled with my gloves. Remy is usually very good patiently standing next to me while I'm shedding some layers.

This time apparently it took too long: Remy eyed the course that just had been set up, started to trot, and then happily cantered over some of the gymnastics. Obviously, no rider required!

Yesterday was "Dental Day" for the boys. I had noticed that Saumur seemed to prefer the soft 2nd cutting hay over his pellets, nothing glaringly obvious, but just not totally right. And at his ripe old age of 25 tooth issues are to be expected. So, with our vet/dentist running a 10% off special in December for dental work I made the appointment for all four of them. Chambord and Teddy got off with just an exam, "Chambord has perfect teeth", but Saumur and Remy needed some adjustments.

How much Saumur needed the appointment was obvious when Dr. DeWitt found a lingual slab fracture. Rotting food particles behind the broken area made for quite the smell. Out came the offending large piece, with quite a bit of blood. It was almost 'instant gratification' - once Saumur's mouth was rinsed he seemed much happier, and after the mild sedation wore off he tore into a humungous carrot with gusto.

Remy had to have some sharp points and hooks smoothed out. Chambord, always at his side, provided emotional support:

I wish I had such great emotional support when I'm at the dentist!

"It is not so much our friends' help that helps us, as the confidence of their help when in need" (Epicurus) -
Dec. 10 Adventskalender Stephanie

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