Thursday, December 26, 2019

Through thick and thin - blazing our trail on a beautiful Christmas Day

Without family in the US Christmas is a quiet time for us. We enjoy spending it with our four-legged family. First I took Ziggy out for a spin through the woods, then JP and I took the boys for a trail ride. It was a beautiful sunny day, what better than to celebrate in nature?
Ready for take-off

Thankful for all the blessings on this beautiful Christmas Da

Nature put some stumbling blocks into our way, however. A tree had come down across the trail and there was no good way to go over (too high) or around (dense underbrush and vines). It was either turning around or blazing our trail. I got off Remy, leading him through the maze and hoping he wouldn't get tangled up and panic. While I stumbled around Remy followed me calmly and we made it to the other side. Chambord's self-preservation was on a bit of a higher alert, he had to think about it a bit more but then he gamely followed JP. What good boys!

While we were blazing our trail on Christmas Day I was thinking of my dad, and how fitting this is:

Navajo Night Chant:

I am walking on the tops of the Mountains
The Gods are before me
The Gods are behind me
I am walking in the midst of the Gods

My favorite oak tree

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