Tuesday, April 14, 2020

I guess I'm like an Iguana - and Houston, we can feel ribs (again)

The good news is that today is my two week mark of being home - and I'm healthy. No virus has hitched a ride home with me.Yay!

OK, I admit it - snow flurries and howling winds are so not motivating me to ride in our outdoor arena. Yes, we are privileged to have the horses at home, at least we can see them every day and take care of them. So I'm not fretting about lost training time. We just have to be creative. Today I longed Remy, actually laughing at his airs above the ground (well, easy to laugh if I'm not sitting on him during his antics). I had our home made 'Liverpool' (a pool float) out and Remy very nonchalantly decided it's not worth the effort jumping it. He might as well just trot through it. So I piled some blocks on it, but it still didn't impress Remy. It took a few tries to convince him that he could jump the thing instead of just plowing through it.

Afterwards I took him on a long hand walk on the trails. Despite the high winds and creaking trees Remy was a good boy, neither deer nor turkeys fazed him - but the green grass did. It took some effort on my part to keep him from diving down for some snacks.

Remy has slimmed down in the last weeks two weeks at home. The rich hay in Florida, less turnout, and a lack of playmates had increased his waistline quite a bit, despite the training (sorry for pointing it out, buddy). Now Remy is back on grass hay, and while he works less he gets more exercise by playing with Chambord and being turned out all day with his friends. Houston, we can feel ribs again!

Not just Remy's, though, as JP points out. While I have more and better food and less 'turnout' in Michigan, I'm losing weight by shivering from the cold. Yes, low 40s is not THAT cold, but anything below 60F and I'm shivering. I'm like the Iguanas that fall out of the trees in Florida when it gets cold, they just stop to function and wait until it warms up again.

Equine Bodywork is pretty physical, and without any clients right now I need exercise as an outlet. Today for example I exceeded 10K on the trails. Taking care of the animals gives our days structure (a bit too much sometimes. Really guys, I can't sleep in even a few more minutes??) Ziggy, Saumur, Remy, Chambord, Teddy, Halle, Julius and Jerry all have their schedules and make sure we stick to them -- thanks, guys, for making us happy and keeping us out of trouble!

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