Friday, April 3, 2020

Getting used to the 'new normal' - and being grateful for nature

The last few days at home I spent unpacking, getting settled back in, and resting. The last months were quite physical in terms of training and horse care, not to mention the trip to Europe, the less than ideal living situation, and the drive home took a bit of a toll, too. So I definitely enjoyed the R&R, and, of course, getting spoiled by JP. This year I only lost five pounds in Florida, last year it was 10. Might I have been slacking off??

Now it's time to get used to our 'new normal', meaning staying at home and only going for the necessities to the grocery and feed stores. I am starting to miss a busy schedule, seeing our friends, and my clients. I had a lot of appointments scheduled, but of course, I did postpone all of them to May (or whenever it is safe again). I try not to worry about lost income, most of us are in the same boat, and it will get better eventually.

JP and I are so fortunate and grateful that we have the horses at home and beautiful trails behind the house. I much rather social distance with people, but not with our animals or nature! Today we enjoyed the sunshine and a lovely trail ride. The boys were happy to be out together, it's been months since we last hit the trails together. Remy remembered his favorite "bathroom spot", (why he waits to pee until we are almost home is beyond me). If he thought it was weird trading palm trees against bare trees he didn't let on. For him its way more important to have a) Chambord, b) Cooler weather, c) No flies (yet), d) Getting cookies after splashing through water.

I do feel for people that are stuck at home without much room to roam. Case in point: Mutti in Germany. She is basically confined to her apartment as she is in the high risk group (age). Luckily, her new furniture got delivered just in time, she had to 'hide' in the kitchen and was not allowed out until the workers left (Michael supervised), but now she is at least happy to have most of her furniture. Michael and Remy are only allowed to bring food to her door, but not to come in. Mutti doesn't 'do' computers, so her books, phone, and TV are her only entertainment. But as I told her: "You survived the war, you will survive this!" At least her food gets delivered in style:

Food for Mutti - Delivered by 'Emily*' (Remy's Rolls)
*The Spirit of Ecstasy, also called Emily, Silver Lady, or Flying Lady, was designed by Sykes, a graduate of London's Royal College of Art, and carries with it a story about secret passion between Montagu, second Baron Montagu of Beaulieu after 1905, a pioneer of the automobile movement, and editor of The Car Illustrated magazine from 1902, and the model for the emblem,Eleanor Velasco Thornton. (Wikipedia)

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